During these cold winter months, many of us are stuck at home and are unable to get to a field to train the way we usually do.
But even though you can't get to the field and work on what you're used to working on, there are still other ways to train to make sure you are improving even while stuck indoors.
One great way to train in tight space is by working on your ball mastery and your manipulation of the ball.

Although ball mastery training isn't the most match realistic way to train, since you're constantly holding the ball and doing repetitive movements, it's still important for you to work on it.
Ball Mastery teaches you to control and manipulate the ball with precision, which will help you develop comfort and a mind-muscle connection with the ball in your games.
If you struggle with controlling the ball and have to take an extra 2-3 seconds to get the ball out of your feet during the game, you're going to lose the ball a lot quicker and cost your team crucial seconds to get forward and out of pressure.
Now that you have the opportunity to work on your ball mastery, this is a great chance for you to become a master of the ball, and be able to manipulate the ball better when it comes game time.
If you're interested in a full training program to help you develop your ball mastery and take your ball control to the next level, then check out the 4-Week Ball Mastery Program on out website!
In this blog post, you will see 7 unique and challenging ball mastery drills that will develop your control of the ball, your mental and cognitive connection with the ball, and your skills.
7 Ball Mastery Skills to Do At Home
1) Continuous L-Drags
For this drill, use the sole of one foot to roll the ball back and behind your standing leg, then using the inside of that same foot, push the ball behind your standing leg, then receive the ball on the opposite side with the sole of your standing foot, and repeat.
This is a great drill to work one of the fundamental skills, the L-Drag, which is an excellent drill performed by the likes of Luka Modric, Sergio Busquets, and other world class midfielders.
Perform this drill for 30 seconds on, and then move on to the next ball mastery drill.
2) L-Drags to Outside Touch
The next drill is the L-Drag to Outside Touch. To perform this drill, use the sole of one foot to roll the ball behind your standing leg, then push the ball using the inside of that same foot behind your leg, then receive the ball on the other side with the outside of your other foot. Then repeat on the other side continuously.
This is taking the previous drill to a level higher by incorporating quick footwork and changes of direction in order to be able to perform a skill, then take the ball out of your feet into space.
By working on being able to adjust your feet correctly after performing this exercise, you'll be better able to perform this skill in a game, beat a defender, and then explode into space with the ball.
Perform this drill for 30 seconds, and then move onto the next drill.
3) L-Drag to Outside to Pull In to Outside
The next drill is the L-Drag to Outside to Pull In Outside. This drill combines the L-Drag exercise with a simple Pull In to Outside exercise.
To perform this drill, start off by performing the basic L-Drag Skill on one foot, then using the outside of the opposite foot, receive the ball after the L-drag, then use the sole of that receiving foot to pull the ball back into your body. Then using the outside of your starting foot, touch the ball out once again and repeat.
This drill is an excellent drill to challenge your ball mastery and control, and it heavily develops your coordination and foot speed if you're able to get it down.
Drills such as this one will help you manipulate the ball exceptionally well in tight spaces when you're under heavy pressure and need to quickly maneuver your way through the tackles of the defenders with quick footwork.
This drill should be performed for 30 Seconds each side. Make sure you're training both sides to maximize the results of your ball mastery training, and allow you to manipulate the ball perfectly with both feet.
Here's the demonstration on the other side:
4) Continuous Cruyff's
The next drill is Continuous Cruyff's, which is an excellent drill to develop one of the most essential skills in the modern game, the Cruyff turn.
To perform this drill, start off by touching the ball diagonally away from you with one foot, then using the inside of that same foot, reel the ball back behind your standing leg, and then shift your body to meet the ball on the other side of your body. Then using the inside of your opposite leg, repeat on the other side.
Perform this drill for 30 seconds on, and then move onto the next drill.
5) Cruyff to Outside Touch
The next drill is the Cruyff to Outside Touch. This drill is the next progression from the previous drill, and is very similar to the L-drag to Outside Touch drill you saw above. For this exercise, touch the ball out diagonally away from you, then using the inside of your foot, push the ball behind your standing leg, then using the outside of your opposite foot, receive the ball on the other side, and push the ball diagonally away from you once again. Then repeat this process on the other side.
This is an excellent drill because it helps you have more control over your Cruyff turn, and it improves your ability to turn sharply with the ball and explode into a new space.
Perform this drill for 30 seconds then move onto the next drill.
6) Cruyff to Pull In-Out
The next drill is the Cruyff to Outside to Pull In to Outside. This is another great drill to improve your footwork and coordination with the ball, and how you're able to adjust your footing in tight scenario's.
To perform this drill, touch the ball out, then perform a Cruyff turn, then receive the ball on the opposite side of your body with the outside of your opposite foot. Then, using the sole of that same foot, reel the ball back into your body, and touch the ball out once again with your starting foot to repeat the drill.
Perform this drill for 30 Seconds on both sides.
Here's the demonstration for the other side:
7) L-Drag to Outside to Cruyff to Outside
The next and final drill is the L-Drag to Outside to Cruyff to Outside. This drill is a combination of the L-Drag to Outside and the Cruyff to Outside.
To Perform this drill, start by performing an L-drag turn with one leg, and receive the ball with the outside of your opposite foot on the other side, and touch the ball out diagonally away from you. Then, using the inside of that same foot, perform a Cruyff turn back in the direction you started in, and touch the ball out once again with the outside of your opposite foot to repeat the drill.
This drill is excellent for working your mind-muscle connection with the ball, and allowing you to adjust your footwork to be able to perform the next skill. It's also a great drill to improve your turning, and your tight space control over the ball with all surface areas of the feet.
Perform this drill for 30 seconds on both sides.
Here is the demonstration for the other side:
Those were 7 close control ball mastery drills you can in the tight spaces in your home to develop your manipulation and comfort on the ball. By doing these drills consistently and finding new ways to challenge yourself with more complex variations, you'll find yourself more comfortable with the ball and better able to control it when it comes gameday.
For a full ball mastery circuit for you to try at home, check out this video on our YouTube channel:
Check through out YouTube Channel for more close control ball mastery drills, and more!
Again, if you would like a full training program, with progressions, drills, and weekly routines for you to develop your ball mastery, then check out The 4-Week Ball Mastery Program on our website.
Thanks for Reading! Get Up. Go GRIND.